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The Russian position


🗓 On September 27, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took part in the Sixth Ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends in Defence of the Charter of the United Nations held on the sidelines of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

In his address Sergey Lavrov made an emphasis on the important role that the Group of Friends is playing in upholding the principles of the Organisation’s founding document in their totality and integrity, in raising the voice of the World Majority against the biased narrative of the “collective West” and, more broadly, in promoting a more just and equitable multipolar world order.

Sergey Lavrov welcomed the efforts by the Group of Friends in countering neocolonial designs of the Westerners, primarily illegal unilateral sanctions. He emphasised the particular relevance of the Group’s joint initiative – the draft UN General Assembly resolution on the eradication of colonialism in all its forms and manifestations, which was approved by the General Assembly Special Committee on Decolonisation on June 21.

Special attention in course of the discussion was given to the situation in the area of the Israeli-Arab conflict, given that Israel has been continuing for almost a year a military operation in the Gaza Strip, raids in the West Bank and violations of the status quo in the Holy Places of Jerusalem, as well as the projection of tensions to other countries in the region.

The Russian Side has confirmed the approaches of principle in favour of an immediate and general ceasefire, release of all the hostages and forcibly held persons, provision for a safe and stable humanitarian access to the injured and needy Palestinians, relaunch of the peace process on the generally-recognised basis of international law providing for the establishment of a sovereign and independent State of Palestine coexisting in peace and security with Israel.

🖊 The meeting resulted in the adoption of a general political declaration outlining the association’s approaches to the most acute international and regional issues.


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